2025 Annual Meeting
May 9, 2025 7:00 am – May 10, 2025 12:30 pm
Renaissance Downtown • Columbus, Ohio
2025 Hotel
Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel
50 North Third Street
Columbus, OH 43215
Tel: 614-228-5050
OCACS Rate: $135.00/night, plus taxes
MAKE RESERVATIONS HERE: Reservations can be made at the group rate of $135 a night (plus tax) online here.
Reservations received after the cut-off date of April 17, or when the room block is full, will be based on space and rate availability.
2025 Committee on Trauma Session
This year’s Ohio Committee on Trauma (OCOT) meeting aims to educate legislators, hospital administrators, and key stakeholders about Ohio’s current gaps in trauma/critical care coordination and the potential for a statewide Medical Operations Coordination Center (MOCC).
Topics will include:
- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s (WPAFB) perspective on the needs and challenges they foresee in managing large-scale patient arrivals and distribution during a '100/100' scenario or similar surge event.
- Insights into what support or resources WPAFB might require from Ohio’s civilian trauma systems would be invaluable for building an effective civilian-military framework.
- How military trauma expertise and innovations like the RMOCC could enhance Ohio’s surge readiness, and what legislative support might enable integration with civilian systems.
- How the RMOCC concept captures the need for a coordinated national health response that is scalable for everything from natural disasters, mass casualty incidents, attacks on the homeland, to large scale combat operations resulting in large influx of casualties into the US Healthcare System.
2025 Resident Events
RAS Sponsored Session | New Papers in Subspecialties Panel Discussion
Surgical Trainee Paper Competition/Spectacular Cases
The Ohio Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (OCACS) invites the submission of abstracts for the Surgical Trainee Paper Competition and Spectacular Cases Presentation. The resident paper competition will be held during the OCACS Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 10th. Abstracts are due no later than, February 10, 2025. SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT HERE.
Collection Begins 12/1/2024
Collection Closes 2/10/2025
Acceptance Letters Sent 4/05/2025
Resident Jeopardy
A competitive panel session where, like the television game, teams of resident contestants compete in three rounds: Surgical Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, Final Jeopardy, to vie for the top score in this fun game of knowledge.